7306022990, 7306022994, 8086767293

COURSE BROCHURE 2025 CRASH NEET-2025 CRASH COURSE JEE MAIN/KEAM & CUSAT-2025 IMPROVEMENT BATCH(REPEATER)-NEET(UG)-2025 Fresh batches commences on 25/7/2024,1/8/2024,7/8/2024,15/8/2024,28/8/2024,18/9/2024 and batches after counselling SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR IMPROVEMENT BATCH(REPEATER)-NEET(UG)-2025 NEET 2024 Answer Key + Question Paper NEET & JEE ADVANCED 2024 RESULT JEE 2024 RESULTS 2017-2023 Non NRI -Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2024-2026 (for Students joining in XI). NON NRI REGULAR TUITION CUM ENTRANCE COACHING FOR NEET 2025(For +2 students) Non NRI -Regular Tuition cum JEE (MAIN & ADVANCED), KEAM & CUSAT Entrance 2024-2026(for Students joining in XI). NON NRI REGULAR TUITION CUM ENTRANCE COACHING FOR JEE 2025 (For +2 students) NRI -Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2024-2026 (for Students joining in XI) NRI REGULAR TUITION CUM ENTRANCE COACHING FOR JEE 2025 (For +2 students) NRI -Regular Tuition cum JEE (MAIN & ADVANCED), KEAM & CUSAT Entrance 2024-2026(for Students joining in XI). NRI REGULAR TUITION CUM ENTRANCE COACHING FOR NEET 2025 (For +2 students) CRASH JEE/KEAM-2024| Immediately after 12th/+2 board Exam (Classroom Coaching) CRASH JEE/KEAM-2024 Immediately after 12th/+2 board exam(Live Online) CRASH NEET- 2025(Classroom coaching) CRASH JEE/KEAM - 2025(Classroom coaching) CRASH NEET- 2025(Live Online) CRASH JEE/KEAM - 2025(Live Online) ONLINE PAYMENT DETAILS FOR STUDENTS STAYING IN INDIA(NON NRI) APPLICATION FORM (FOR NON NRI STUDENTS) CHAITHANYA CLASSES GLOBAL FOR NRI CRASH NRI JEE MAIN/KEAM & CUSAT-2024 CRASH NRI NEET-2025 OUR 2023 TOPPERS (Above 600 Marks) CRASH NRI JEE/KEAM -2025 COURSES-CLASSROOM/ONLINE NEET 2023 Answer Key + Question Paper Application Form for NRI Students. CRASH JEE/KEAM-2024 Immediately after CBSE +2 Examination TALENT HUNT 2024 BROCHURE CBSE CRASH NEET-2024 Immediately after CBSE +2 Examination TALENT HUNT 2024 REGISTRATION TALENT HUNT 2024 'ADVANCE' FOUNDATION COURSE REGISTRATION OMR SHEET FOR PRACTICE (NEW PATTERN) NEET MODEL OMR SUCCESS STORIES NEET 2023 NEET 2022 Answer Key + Question Paper NEET 2021 Answer Key + Question Paper NEET 2020 QUESTION PAPER H2 - VERSION NEET 2020 Answer Key H2 Version SUCCESS STORIES Merit Day 2017 Merit Day 2018 Merit Day 2019 KEAM 2020 SOLVED PAPER NEET 2023 OUR TOPPERS NEET 2022 OUR TOPPERS NEET 2021 OUR TOPPERS OUR NEET 2020 TOPPERS OUR NEET 2020 TOPPERS FROM TAMIL NADU NEET MODEL OMR SAMPLE

Prof. P.C Thomas Classes & Chaithanya Classes

Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification during live classes at Chaithanya Classes.

(Non NRI Stream)

NRI Students batches.NCERT Syllabus

OLC.I. Regular Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Repeater-NEET 2022.


Course content

  • Regular Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • On request, students will be permitted to change their stream from regular live online class to regular classroom coaching, when Govt. restrictions are over.
  • Package contains
    More than 650 class hrs, 96 DPP’s (30Q.each), 30 cumulative NEET Models, 45Q for each subject-180 Q, 180 Minutes-720 Marks. For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.30 full topic NEET Models with sure shot questions and its discussion(the full topic NEET Model Exam will continue till 3 days before that of NEET -2022 Exam @3 Exam per week), printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post).
  • Modules
    A set of 27 study books (10 Base material+14 theory books+3 books containing previous year questions (PYQ) Physics- 10 books, Chemistry- 8 books, Biology- 9 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution;32 years chapter wise PYQ with solution. A total of 17003 questions with detailed hints with solutions/key in 13 books.6 standard Guide books containing 28446 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • FEE:- Rs.50000+ Rs.9000(18% GST)= Rs.59000/-
  • Batch Details


Repeater-NEET 2022 Regular live online interactive classes

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm)*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm)*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1) FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm

3) FN & AN Batches-*

3-4 hrs/day, between 9 am and 4 pm

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Cumulative NEET model Exams

As per the schedule



Full topic NEET model Exams with discussion

at the end of the course


30 (@ 3 Exam per week till NEET 2022)

  • FEE structure: 

Installment dates


GST 18% *

KFC 1% *


On admission

Rs.30000/- (Admission fee - Rs.2000/-,Cost of study books provided Rs.14000/- & Rs.14000/- for the teaching sessions)




Rs.35400/- (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment (within 60 days after joining)

Rs.20000/- (For the teaching sessions)




Rs.23600/- By RTGS/NEFT only



Admission Fee- Rs.2000+18% GST = Rs.2360/- (Not refundable)

Cost of Study material- Rs.14000+18% GST = Rs.16520/-. (Not refundable)

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 114 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 114 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • The GST & KFC paid will not be refunded.
  • Admission fee-Rs.2000+18% GST = Rs.2360/- paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission- Rs.14000+18% GST = Rs.16520/- paid will not be refunded or materials will not be returned back.
  • An amount Rs.300/- for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount,     no refund after 114 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No: 0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Regular Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC XLVIII. Regular Classroom coaching (when Govt. restrictions are over)for Repeater-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced 2022.


Course content

  • Regular classroom coaching (when GOVT. restrictions are over).
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online/ direct interaction.
  • Access recordings of all past classes for those students shifted from live online classes to classroom coaching.
  • On request, students will be permitted to change their stream from regular classroom coaching to regular live online classes.
  • The regular classroom coaching will be converted to regular live online classes, as and when there is GOVT. direction (as per the Covid-19 regulations).
  • Package contains
    More than 650class hrs, 88 DPPs (30Q.each), 30 cumulative JEE/KEAM Models. For the chapter cumulative JEE/KEAM model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining. Periodic JEE MAIN/KEAM Model Exams, 10 final JEE MAIN Model exams before each session or attempt, 10 Final KEAM Model Exams,15+ JEE Advanced Model Examinations, printed course material(Books will be send through courier/speed post/by hand).
  • Modules
    A set of 8 study books (8 base materials)
    Physics-4 books, Chemistry-2 books, Maths-2 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution. A total of 9745 questions with solutions/key in 8 books. A set of 12 Guide books (Physics-4 books, Chemistry-4 books,Maths-12 books) containing 18715 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • FEE:-Rs.45000+Rs.8100(18% GST)=Rs.53100/-
    NB: Parents and students are directed to occupy only the approved hostels which strictly follow Covid regulations. After availing the admission, the classroom coaching opting students will receive a confirmation mail regarding the reporting time at the office. The classroom coaching opting students shall be allowed to attend the class only with mask, sanitizer and hand gloves. They shall keep social distancing in the institution, outside the institution and in their hostels. In case of any direction from the Government, we will switch over exclusively to online classes.
  • Batch Details


Repeater-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced2022 Regular Classroom coaching(when Govt. restrictions are over)

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm)*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm)*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1)FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)
  • FEE structure: 

Installment dates


GST 18% *

KFC 1% *


On admission

Rs.25000/-(Admission fee - Rs.2000/-,Cost of study books provided Rs.9000/- & Rs.14000/- for the teaching sessions)




(On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment (within 60 days after joining)

Rs.20000/- (For the teaching sessions)







Admission Fee-Rs.2000+18% GST =Rs.2360/- (Not refundable).

Cost of Study material-Rs.9000+18% GST =Rs.10620/-. (Not refundable).

18% GST paid on Rs.14000 (towards teaching sessions) =Rs. 2520/-(Not refundable).

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 114 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 114 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • The GST & KFC paid will not be refunded.
  • Admission fee-Rs.2000+18% GST =Rs.2360/- paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission-Rs.9000+18% GST =Rs.10620/- paid will not be refunded or materials will not be returned back.
  • 18% GST paid on Rs.14000 (towards teaching sessions) =Rs. 2520/- will not be refunded.
  • An amount Rs.300/- for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount,no refund after 114 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online.
    A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No: 0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.
  6. Regular Classroom coaching Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.II.Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Repeater-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced 2022.


Course content

  • Regular Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online.
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • On request, students will be permitted to change their stream from regular live online class to regular classroom coaching, when Govt. restrictions are over.
  • Package contains
    More than 650 class hrs, 88 DPPs (30Q.each), 30 cumulative JEE/KEAM Models. For the chapter cumulative JEE/KEAM model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining. Periodic JEE MAIN/KEAM Model Exams, 10 final JEE MAIN Model exams before each session or attempt, 10 Final KEAM Model Exams,15+ JEE Advanced Model Examinations, printed course material(Books will be send through courier/speed post/by hand).
  • Modules
    A set of 8 study books (8 base materials)
    Physics-4 books, Chemistry-2 books, Maths-2 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution. A total of 9745 questions with solutions/key in 8 books. A set of 12 Guide books (Physics-4 books, Chemistry-4 books,Maths-12 books) containing 18715 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • FEE:-Rs.45000+Rs.8100(18% GST)=Rs.53100/-
  • Batch Details


Repeater-JEE/KEAM 2022 Regular live online interactive classes

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm)*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm)*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1)FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)
  • FEE structure: 

Installment dates


GST 18% *

KFC 1% *


On admission

Rs.25000/-(Admission fee - Rs.2000/-,Cost of study books provided Rs.9000/- & Rs.14000/- for the teaching sessions)




(On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment (within 60 days after joining)

Rs.20000/- (For the teaching sessions)







Admission Fee-Rs.2000+18% GST =Rs.2360/- (Not refundable).

Cost of Study material-Rs.9000+18% GST =Rs.10620/-. (Not refundable).

18% GST paid on Rs.14000 (towards teaching sessions) =Rs. 2520/-(Not refundable).

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 114 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 114 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • The GST & KFC paid will not be refunded.
  • Admission fee-Rs.2000+18% GST =Rs.2360/- paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission-Rs.9000+18% GST =Rs.10620/- paid will not be refunded or materials will not be returned back.
  • 18% GST paid on Rs.14000 (towards teaching sessions) =Rs. 2520/- will not be refunded.
  • An amount Rs.300/- for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount, no refund after 114 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online.
    A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No: 0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.
  6. Regular Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.IV. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification cum classroom coaching (when Govt. restrictions are over) for Repeater-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced 2022.


Course content

  • Regular Live online interactive classes cum classroom coaching (when Govt. restrictions are over).
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online.
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • On request, students will be permitted to change their stream from regular live online class to regular classroom coaching, when Govt. restrictions are over.
  • Package contains
    More than 650 class hrs, 88 DPPs (30Q.each), 30 cumulative JEE/KEAM Models. For the chapter cumulative JEE/KEAM model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining. Periodic JEE MAIN/KEAM Model Exams, 10 final JEE MAIN Model exams before each session or attempt, 10 Final KEAM Model Exams,15+ JEE Advanced Model Examinations, printed course material(Books will be send through courier/speed post/by hand).
  • Modules
    A set of 8 study books (8 base materials)
    Physics-4 books, Chemistry-2 books, Maths-2 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution. A total of 9745 questions with solutions/key in 8 books. A set of 12 Guide books (Physics-4 books, Chemistry-4 books, Maths-12 books) containing 18715 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • FEE:-Rs.45000+Rs.8100(18% GST)=Rs.53100/-
  • Batch Details


Repeater-JEE/KEAM 2022 Regular live online interactive classes (when Govt. restrictions are over)

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm)*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm)*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1)FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)
  • FEE structure: 

Installment dates


GST 18% *

KFC 1% *


On admission

Rs.25000/-(Admission fee - Rs.2000/-,Cost of study books provided Rs.9000/- & Rs.14000/- for the teaching sessions)




(On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment (within 60 days after joining)

Rs.20000/- (For the teaching sessions)







Admission Fee-Rs.2000+18% GST =Rs.2360/- (Not refundable).

Cost of Study material-Rs.9000+18% GST =Rs.10620/-. (Not refundable).

18% GST paid on Rs.14000 (towards teaching sessions) =Rs. 2520/-(Not refundable).

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 114 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 114 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • The GST & KFC paid will not be refunded.
  • Admission fee-Rs.2000+18% GST =Rs.2360/- paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission-Rs.9000+18% GST =Rs.10620/- paid will not be refunded or materials will not be returned back.
  • 18% GST paid on Rs.14000 (towards teaching sessions) =Rs. 2520/- will not be refunded.
  • An amount Rs.300/- for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount, no refund after 114 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online.
    A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No: 0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.
  6. Regular Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.V.Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2022-2023(Those students who are entering into +2/12th ).


Course content

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

    400+hrs, 96+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject *(once in every month),30 Final NEET Models,printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post). +2 Theory & +2 Entrance, +1 Entrance during the month of March, April & May 2023.

  • FEE:-45000+8100(18% GST) = 53100/-.
  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2022-2023

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1-2 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat(07:00PM to 08:30PM)

Additional session on Friday & Saturday(5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




29500/-  (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee 1st installment




On admission

Exam fee 1st installment




September 2022

Tuition fee- 2nd installment




23600/-(On September 2022) By RTGS/NEFT only

September 2022

Exam fee-2nd installment






* Registration Fee, Admission Fee & GST paid will not be refunded.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.VI. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum Entrance  -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  2022-2023(Those students who are entering into +2/12th ).


Course content

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

    400+hrs, 88+ tests(30Q.each), chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject* (once in every month),10 JEE MAIN/KEAM Final Model tests(before every JEE MAIN Exam),10 JEE Advanced final model Exams,printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post). +2 Theory & +2 Entrance , +1 Entrance during the month of March, April & May 2023.

  • FEE:-45000+8100(18% GST) = 53100/-.
  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum Entrance JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  2022-2023

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1-2 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat (07:00 PM to 08:30 PM

Additional session on Friday & Saturday (5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

Once in every month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4 = 40 (10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course

18 to 25


Board model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




29500/-  (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment




On admission

Exam fee- 1st installment




September 2022

Tuition fee- 2nd installment




23600/-(On September 2022) By RTGS/NEFT only

September 2022

Exam fee-2nd installment






* Registration Fee, Admission Fee & GST paid will not be refunded..

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:

A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes

A/C No:0368073000001046



South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.

*Payments in INR only.

  1. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  2. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  3. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  4. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  5. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.VII. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Entrance only NEET 2022-2023 Sunday Batch(Those who are entering into +2/12th classes).


Course content

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes..
  • Package contains

    300+hrs, 46 tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject* (once in every month), 30 Final NEET Models, printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post).+1 Entrance during the month of March, April & May 2023.

  • FEE:-20000+3600(18% GST) = 23600/-.
  • Batch Details


Online Entrance only NEET 2020-2023 Sunday Batch

Day Schedule

Weekend Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing


(8.00 am to 12.30 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




23600/-(On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment




On admission

Exam fee-1st installment






*Registration Fee, Admission Fee & GST paid will not be refunded..

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.IX.Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2022-2024 (Those who have completed x standard).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

    725+hrs, 96+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject * (once in every month),30 Final NEET Models,printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post).

  • FEE:-90000+16200(18% GST) =106200/-.
  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum NEET  Entrance 2022-2024

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

2-3 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat(07:00PM to 08:30PM)

Additional session on

Friday & Saturday(5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




35400/-  (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment




On admission

Exam fee-1st installment




September 2022

Tuition fee-2nd installment




17700/-(On September 2022) By RTGS/NEFT only

September 2022

Exam fee- 2nd installment




January 2023

Tuition fee-3rd installment




35400/-(On January 2023) By RTGS/NEFT only

January 2023

Exam fee- 3rd installment




August 2023

Tuition fee-4th installment




17700/-(On August 2023) By RTGS/NEFT only

August 2023

Exam fee-4th installment






* Registration Fee, Admission Fee &GST paid will not be refunded.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.X.Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  Entrance 2022-2024(Those who have completed x standard).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

    725+hrs, 88+ tests(30Q.each), chapter cumulative JEE MAIN Model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject * (once in every month), 10 final JEE MAIN/KEAMModel Exams(beforeevery JEE MAIN Exam),10  JEE AdvancedModel Examinations, printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post).

  • FEE:-90000+16200(18% GST) =106200/-.
  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  Entrance 2022-2024

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

2-3 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat(07:00PM to 08:30PM)

Additional session on Friday & Saturday(5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



chapter cumulative  JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

Once in every month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4=40 (10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course

18 to 25


Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




35400/-  (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment




On admission

Exam fee-1st installment




September 2022

Tuition fee- 2nd installment




17700/-(On September 2022) By RTGS/NEFT only

September 2022

Exam fee - 2nd installment




January 2023

Tuition fee-3rd installment




35400/-(On January 2023) By RTGS/NEFT only

January 2023

Exam fee- 3rd installment




August 2023

Tuition fee-4th installment




17700/-(On August 2023) By RTGS/NEFT only

August 2023

Exam fee- 4th installment






* Registration Fee, Admission Fee & GST paid will not be refunded.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XI.  Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for  NEET  Entrance 2022-2024 Sunday Batch(Those who have completed x standard).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

    400+hrs, 96+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject* (monthly 1 Exam), 30 Final NEET Models, printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post).

  • FEE:-40000/-+7200(18% GST) =47200/-.
  • Batch Details


Online NEET  Entrance 2022-2024 Sunday Batch

Day Schedule

Weekend Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

Sunday(8.00 am to 12.30 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

1 Exam/ month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




23600/-(On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee - 1st installment




September 2022

Exam fee - 1st installment




5900/-(On September 2022) By RTGS/NEFT only

February 2023

Tuition fee- 2nd





17700/-(On February 2023) By RTGS/NEFT only

February 2023

Exam fee-2nd installment






* Registration Fee, Admission Fee & GST paid will not be refunded.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XII. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  Entrance 2022-2024 Sunday Batch (Those who have completed x standard).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

    400+hrs, 88+ tests(30Q.each),chapter cumulative JEE MAIN Model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject * (monthly 1 Exam),10 final JEE MAIN/KEAMModel Exams(before every JEE MAIN Exam) ,10 JEE AdvancedModel Exams,printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post).

  • FEE:-40000/-+7200(18% GST) =47200/-
  • Batch Details


Online  JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  Entrance 2022-2024 Sunday Batch

Day Schedule

Weekend Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

Sunday(8.00 am to 12.30 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

1 Exam/ month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4=40 (10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course

18 to 25


*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee & Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components


GST 18%*


On admission

Registration fee




23600/- (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

On admission

Admission fee




On admission

Tuition fee - 1st installment




September 2022

Exam fee - 1st installment




5900/- (On September 2022)By RTGS/NE FT Only

February 2023

Tuition fee - 2nd




17700/-(On February 2023)By RTGS/NEFT Only

February 2023

Exam fee - 2nd installment






* Registration Fee, Admission Fee &GST paid will not be refunded.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. emit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making thepayment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XXV Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH -NEET Entrance-2022(short term course) for Non NRI Students (for Repeaters & +2/12th students).

For Repeaters & +2 appearing students



The Crash NEET-2022 course will be conducting in two phases.


2. PHASE II-The Crash Course-Immediately after the board exam- Till the NEET-2022 Entrance Examination.

The course details are given below.

Phase I-Target NEET-2022 (Early Crash Course, Complimentary)


  1. Total 150+hrs of recorded video rapid revision classes covering the theoretical concepts linked with each chapter (+1&+2).
  2. 96+hrs of recorded video discussion of selected questions from the base material.
  3. 96 DPP’s (Daily Practice Papers) linked with each chapter, comprising 30 questions in each DPP’s with solutions.
  4. 96+hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of important previously asked questions (PYQ’s) with solutions.
  5. 3 hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of 2020 NEET Examination paper.
  6. 3 hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of 2021 NEET Examination paper.
  7. 30 well-structured NEET model cumulative Examination papers-180 Questions 180 minutes. Portions will be tested cumulatively. There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests.
  8. Discussion of the 30 Cumulative NEET Model Examination papers with important concepts linked with the chapters and its analysis.
  9. 30 full topics NEET Model Examinations with recorded video discussions & analysis of each chapter.
  10. 30 most probable questions discussion from each chapter.
  11. E-copy of the study materials will be available in the app.

Preparation Guidelines- First phase -Chapter by Chapter Preparation

  1. Thorough revisions of each chapter theory given in the NCERT text.
  2. Revisions of the abstracts of each chapter given in the base material.
  3. Attending the theoretical concept discussion videos linked with every chapter.
  4. Answering all the questions given in the each chapter of the base material.
  5. Attending the video discussions of the selected questions of the chapters.
  6. Answering all the questions linked with every chapter given in the 32 years previously asked questions and answer collection books.
  7. Attending the video discussion and analysis of the selected previously asked questions linked with each chapter.

PHASE II-The Crash Course-Immediately after the Board Exam- Till the NEET-2022 Entrance Examination


    1. Classroom coaching.
    2. Live online interactive streaming.
    3. Hybrid stream of attending classes at the institution and also attending live online interactive streaming.
    4. Attending recorded videos of the live online interactive streaming.

    Student can opt any of the above mode for attending the course and on request, they will be allowed to change their mode of attending the course from one stream to another.


    1. Modules

      A set of 11 study books (8 base materials+3 books containing previous year questions (PYQs)) Physics-5 books,Chemistry-3 books,Biology-3 books which cover the theory abstract from each chapter, Questions of different levels with keys/Detailed hints and solutions;32 years chapter wise PYQs with solutions.

      A total of 15640 questions with solutions/ keys in 11 books.

    2. 120+hours of theory discussion, 240+ hours of important question discussion.
    3. 30 cumulative NEET Model Examinations (3 hours) and 4 hours discussion of each paper.
    4. 30 full topic NEET Model Examinations (3 hours) and 4 hours discussion and analysis of each paper.

    The NEET model Examination and discussion will continue till 2 days before that of NEET Examination.

  3. OMR Examination

    Original OMR Examination for classroom stream attending students and OMR cum online Examination for live online stream opting students (The procedure for OMR cum online Examinations will be send via separate E-mail.)

  4. Doubt clearance

    The classroom coaching opting students can meet the faculties and can clear their doubts and all the students can use the chat box, or Q&A or E-mail or WhatsApp for clearing their doubts.

  5. Course commencement date

    The batches commence very next day after the respective board Examination. The detailed course programme for Crash course will be issued before the commencement of the Board Examination of different streams. There will be separate batches for Tamil Nadu state board, Kerala state board, & CBSE.

  6. FEE Details

    * Fee for the Crash Course phase II is Rs.12000/-+18% GST=14160/- which is to be paid through Online/DD/cash.

    * The fee paid Rs.12000/- is for the cost of 11 study books. The study books once issued will not be taken back or the cost will not be refunded. All the items except study materials, mentioned in the course content are free of cost and complementary.

    * NB: Any doubt regarding the teaching sessions, OMR Examination or Online Examinations etc. should be clarified before joining the course.

  7. Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

    1. Remit the Course Fee  Online.
      A/C details:
                 A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
                 A/C No:0368073000001046
                 IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368
                 SWIFT CODE: SOININ55
                 South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, India.
          *Payments in INR only.
    2. While making the remittance, Parent/Guardian should mention the student name in the sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
    3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.

    4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

    5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of Question discussions and Examinations offered will not be changed. There will be changes in the streams offered, whenever there is a necessity, subject to GOVT. directions.

    6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XXVI. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced Entrance 2022(short term course) for Non NRI Students (for Repeaters & +2/12th students).

For Repeaters & +2 appearing students



The Crash JEE MAIN/KEAM & CUSAT -2022 course will be conducted in two phases.


2. PHASE II-The Crash Course -Immediately after the KERALA STATE Board Exam till the KEAM &CUSAT -2022 Entrance Examination

The course details are given below.

Phase I Target JEE MAIN/KEAM & CUSAT -2022 (Early Crash Course, Complimentary)


  1. Total 125+ hrs of recorded video rapid revision classes covering the theoretical concepts linked to each chapter (+1 & +2).
  2. 100+ hrs of recorded video discussion of selected questions from the base material.
  3. 88 DPPs (Daily Practice Papers) linked with each chapter, comprising 30 questions in each DPP with solutions.
  4. 90+ hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of important previously asked questions with solutions.
  5. 40 JEE MAIN model Examinations
  6. 10 Final KEAM model examinations.
  7. 30 most probable questions discussion from each chapter.
  8. E-copy of the study materials will be available in the app.

Preparation guidelines- First phase -Chapter by Chapter preparation

  1. Thorough revision of each chapter theory given in the NCERT text.
  2. Revisions of the abstracts of each chapter given in the base material.
  3. Attending the theoretical concept discussion videos linked with every chapter.
  4. Answering all the questions given in the each chapter of the base material.
  5. Attending the video discussions of the selected questions of the chapter.
  6. Attending the video discussion and analysis of the selected previously asked questions linked with each chapter.

PHASE II-The Crash Course-Immediately after the KERALA State Board Exam- Till the KEAM & CUSAT-2022 Entrance Examination


    1. Classroom coaching.
    2. Live online interactive streaming.
    3. Hybrid stream of attending classes at the institution and also attending live online interactive streaming.
    4. Attending recorded videos of the live online interactive streaming.

    Student can opt any of the above mode for attending the course and on request, they will be allowed to change their mode of attending the course from one stream to another.


    1. Modules

      A set of 8 study books (8 base materials) Physics-4 books, Chemistry-2 books, Maths-2 books which cover the theory abstract from each chapter, Questions of different levels with keys/Detailed hints and solutions.

      A total of 9745 questions with solutions/key in 8 books.

    2. 100+hours of theory discussion & 200+ hours of important question discussion.
    3. 30cumulative KEAM/CUSAT LEVEL Examinations (3 hours) and 3 hours discussion of each paper.
    4. 10 KEAM Model Examinations, each of 2 papers (each paper of 2 1/2 hours) and 2 hours discussion and analysis of each paper.
  3. OMR Examination

    Original OMR Examination for classroom stream attending students and OMR cum online Examination for live online stream opting students (The procedure for OMR cum online Examinations will be send via separate E-mail.)

  4. Doubt clearance

    The classroom coaching opting students can meet the faculties and can clear their doubts and all the students can use the chat box, or Q&A or E-mail or WhatsApp for clearing their doubts.

  5. Course commencement date

    The batches commence very next day after the KERALA State board Examination. The detailed course programme for Crash course will be issued before the commencement of the KERALA State Board Examination.

  6. FEE Details

    * Fee for the Crash Course phase II is Rs.12000/-+18% GST=14160/- which is to be paid through Online/DD/cash.

    * The fee paid Rs.12000/- is for the cost of 8 study books. The study books once issued will not be taken back or the cost will not be refunded. All the items except study materials, mentioned in the course content are free of cost and complementary.

    * NB: Any doubt regarding the teaching sessions, OMR Examination or Online Examinations etc. Should be clarified before joining the course.

  7. Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

    1. Remit the Course Fee  Online.
      A/C details:
                 A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
                 A/C No:0368073000001046
                 IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368
                 SWIFT CODE: SOININ55
                 South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, India.
          *Payments in INR only.
    2. While making the remittance, Parent/Guardian should mention the student name in the sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
    3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.

    4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

    5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of Question discussions and Examinations offered will not be changed. There will be changes in the streams offered, whenever there is a necessity, subject to GOVT. directions.

    6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC XLVII. Regular Classroom coaching (when Govt. restrictions are over)for Repeater-NEET 2022.


Course content

  • Regular classroom coaching (when GOVT. restrictions are over).
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online/ direct interaction
  • Access recordings of all past classes for those students shifted from live online classes to classroom coaching
  • On request, students will be permitted to change their stream from regular classroom coaching to regular live online classes.
  • The regular classroom coaching will be converted to regular live online classes, as and when there is GOVT. direction (as per the Covid-19 regulations).
  • Package contains
    More than 650 class hrs, 96 DPP’s (30Q.each), 30 cumulative NEET Models, 45Q for each subject-180 Q, 180 Minutes-720 Marks. For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.30 full topic NEET Models with sure shot questions and its discussion(the full topic NEET Model Exam will continue till 3 days before that of NEET -2022 Exam @3 Exam per week), printed course material (Books will be send through courier/speed post/by hand).
  • Modules
    A set of 27 study books (10 Base material+14 theory books+3 books containing previous year questions (PYQ) Physics- 10 books, Chemistry- 8 books, Biology- 9 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution;32 years chapter wise PYQ with solution. A total of 17003 questions with detailed hints with solutions/key in 13 books.6 standard Guide books containing 28446 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • FEE:- Rs.50000+ Rs.9000(18% GST)= Rs.59000/-
    NB: Parents and students are directed to occupy only the approved hostels which strictly follow Covid regulations. After availing the admission, the classroom coaching opting students will receive a confirmation mail regarding the reporting time at the office. The classroom coaching opting students shall be allowed to attend the class only with mask, sanitizer and hand gloves. They shall keep social distancing in the institution, outside the institution and in their hostels. In case of any direction from the Government, we will switch over exclusively to online classes.
  • Batch Details


Repeater-NEET 2022 Regular Classroom coaching(when Govt. restrictions are over)

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm)*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm)*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1)FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm

3) FN & AN Batches-*

3-4 hrs/day, between 9 am and 4 pm

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Cumulative NEET model Exams

As per the schedule



Full topic NEET model Exams with discussion

at the end of the course


30 (@ 3 Exam per week till NEET 2022)

  • FEE structure: 

Installment dates


GST 18% *

KFC 1% *


On admission

Rs.30000/-(Admission fee - Rs.2000/-,Cost of study books provided Rs.14000/- & Rs.14000/- for the teaching sessions)




Rs.35400/- (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment (within 60 days after joining)

Rs.20000/- (For the teaching sessions)




Rs.23600/- By RTGS/NEFT only



Admission Fee- Rs.2000+18% GST = Rs.2360/- (Not refundable).

Cost of Study material- Rs.14000+18% GST = Rs.16520/-. (Not refundable).

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 114 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 114 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • The GST & KFC paid will not be refunded.
  • Admission fee-Rs.2000+18% GST = Rs.2360/- paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission- Rs.14000+18% GST = Rs.16520/- paid will not be refunded or materials will not be returned back.
  • An amount Rs.300/- for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount,     no refund after 114 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for Non NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online.
    A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No: 0368073000001046
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in INR only.
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NON NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed
  6. Regular Classroom coaching Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XIII Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2022-2023 for NRI Students (Those students who are entering into +2/12th).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

400+hrs, 96+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model  Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject * (once in every month),30 Final NEET Models, printed course material 
(Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and
Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).
+2 Theory & +2 Entrance,+1 Entrance during the month of March, April & May 2023.

  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance-2023

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1-2 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thru, Fri & Sat(07:00PM to 08:30PM)

Additional session on Friday & Saturday(5.30 pm to 7 pm)


  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

100 US $

900 US $

(On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

100 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

200 US $


900 US $

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001047
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)

2.   While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.   Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment

4.   Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.    There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the   necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed

6.   Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XIV. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum Entrance -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced 2022-2023 for NRI Students (Those students who are entering into +2/12th).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

400+hrs, 88+ tests(30Q.each), chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject* (once in every month),10JEE MAIN/KEAM Final Model tests(before every JEE MAIN Exam),10 JEE Advanced final model Exams, printed course material (Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address). +2 Theory& +2 Entrance, +1 Entrance during the month of March, April & May 2023.

  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum Entrance JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced 2023

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1-2 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat(07:00PM to 08:30PM

Additional session on Friday & Saturday(5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

Once in every month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4=40(10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course

18 to 25


Board model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

100 US $

900 US $

(On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

100 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

200 US $


900 US $

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

1.   Remit the Course Fee Online.

          A/C details:

          A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes

          A/C No:0368073000001047

          IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368

          SWIFT CODE: SOININ55

          South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.

*Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)

2.   While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.   Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment

4.   Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.    There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the   necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.

6.   Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

OLC.XV  Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance-2022-2024 for NRI Students (Students completed class x).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains

725+hrs, 96+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject * (once in every month), 30 Final NEET Models, printed course material (Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).

  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum NEET Entrance 2022-2024

 Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

2-3 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri & Sat(07:00PM to 08:30PM)

Additional session on Friday & Saturday(5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

50 US $

700 US $

(On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

50 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $ *

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

100 US $

September 2022

Tuition fee-2nd installment

200 US $

300 US $ (On September 2022)

September 2022

Exam fee-2nd installment

100 US $

January 2023

Tuition fee-3rd installment

500 US $

700 US $ (On February 2023)

January 2023

Exam fee-3rd installment

200 US $

September 2023

Tuition fee-4th installment

200 US $

300 US $ (September2023)

September 2023

Exam fee-4th installment

100 US $


 2000 US $

*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $ per year.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001047
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the   necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

OLC.XVI.Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Regular Tuition cum JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced Entrance 2022-2024 for NRI Students (Students completed class x).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains
    725+hrs, 88+ tests(30Q.each), chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject * (once in every month), 10 final JEE MAIN/KEAM Model Exams(before every JEE MAIN Exam),10 JEE Advanced Model Examinations, printed course material (Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).
  • Batch Details


Online Regular Tuition cum JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced Entrance 2022-2024

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

2-3 Sessions / day

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri & Sat (07:00PM to 08:30PM)

Additional session on Friday & Saturday (5.30 pm to 7 pm)

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

Once in every month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4=40(10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course

18 to 25


Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

50 US $

700 US $ (On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

50 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $*

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

100 US $

September 2022

Tuition fee-2nd installment

200 US $

300 US $ (On September 2022)

September 2022

Exam fee-2nd installment

100 US $

January 2023

Tuition fee-3rd installment

500 US $*

700 US $ (On January 2023)

January 2023

Exam fee-3rd installment

200 US $


Tuition fee-4th installment

200 US $

300 US $ (September2023)


Exam fee-4th installment

100 US $


2000 US $

*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $ per year.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:
    A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No:0368073000001047
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the   necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.
  6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

OLC.XVII. Regular Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Repeater-NEET 2022 for NRI Students.


Course content

  • Regular Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • Package contains
    More than 650 class hrs, 96 DPP’s (30Q.each), 30 cumulative NEET Models , 45Q for each subject-180 Q, 180 Minutes-720 Marks. For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.30 full topic NEET Models with sure shot questions and its discussion (the full topic NEET Model Exam will continue till 3 days before that of NEET -2022 Exam @3 Exam per week), Electronic copy of study material will be send through “We Transfer” for NRI students and Hard copy will be sending through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address.
  • Modules
    A set of 27 study books (10 Base material+14 theory books+3 books containing previous year questions (PYQ) Physics- 10 books, Chemistry- 8 books, Biology- 9 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution;32 years chapter wise PYQ with solution. A total of 17003 questions with detailed hints with solutions/key in 13 books.6 standard Guide books containing 28446 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • Batch Details


Repeater-NEET 2022 Regular live online interactive classes

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm(IST))*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm(IST))*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1)FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm(IST)

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm(IST)

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Cumulative NEET model Exams

As per the schedule



Full topic NEET model Exams with discussion

at the end of the course


30 (@ 3 Exam per week till NEET 2022)

  • FEE structure: 

Installment dates



On admission

900 US $ (Admission fee- 100 US $ ,Cost of study books provided -300 US $ & 500 US $ for the teaching sessions)

900 US $ (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

900 US $ (On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment (within 60 days after joining)

300 US $ (For the teaching sessions)

300 US $

300 US $- By RTGS/NEFT only


1200 US $

* Admission Fee- 100 US $ (Not refundable).

* Cost of Study material- 300 US $ (Not refundable).

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 100 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 114 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • Admission fee-100 US $ paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission- 300 US $- paid will not be refunded or materials  will not be returned back.
  • An amount 8 US $ for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount, no refund after 100 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS (refund only in equivalent INR to your resident account) within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying in India (for NRI Students)

  1. Remit the Course Fee Online.
    A/C details:
    A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
    A/C No: 0368073000001047
    South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.
    **Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar).
  2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.
  3. Please fill the online application form NRI Application Form after making the payment.
  4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.
  5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.
  6. Regular online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XVIII. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for Repeater-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced 2022 for NRI Students.

  • Regular Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Progress evaluation session with parents through online.
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
  • On request, students will be permitted to change their stream from regular live online class to regular classroom coaching, when Govt. restrictions are over.
  • Package contains
    More than 650class hrs, 88 DPPs (30Q.each), 30 cumulative JEE/KEAM Models.For the chapter cumulative JEE/KEAM model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.Periodic JEE MAIN/KEAM Model Exams, 10 final JEE MAIN Model exams before each session or attempt, 10 Final KEAM Model Exams,15+ JEE Advanced Model Examinations,Electronic copy of study material will be send through “We Transfer” for NRI students and hardcopy will be sending throughcourier/speedposttotheir NativeINDIAN address.
  • Modules
    A set of 8 study books (8 base materials)
    Physics-4 books,Chemistry-2 books,Maths-2 books which cover theory abstract of each chapter, questions of different levels with key/detailed hints and solution.A total of 9745 questions with solutions/key in 8 books. A set of 12 Guide books(Physics-4 books,Chemistry-4 books,Maths-12 books) containing 18715 questions with detailed hints with solution will be also provided.
  • Provision for clearing doubts through online-Chat box/E-mail/ Q& A/WhatsApp/direct discussion.
  • Batch Details


Repeater-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced2022 Regular live online interactive classes

Day Schedule

Weekday FN Batches(9 am to 1.00 pm(IST))*
Weekday AN Batches(1.30 pm to 5.30 pm(IST))*

Teaching Language


Session per day:

3-4 hours / day

Batch Timings

1)FN Batches-*

9 am to 1.00 pm(IST)

2) AN Batches-*

1.30 pm to 5.30 pm(IST)

Frequency of Class

5-6 days/ Week (Mon to Sat)

*Batch allotment will be done by the institution, considering the student choice. The joining memo (Fee receipt, via E-mail) will be issued along with the time table.

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)
  • FEE structure:

Installment dates



On admission

900 US $ (Admission fee-100 US$,Cost of study books provided -300 US $ &500 US $ for the teaching sessions)

900 US $

900 US $(On admission) By RTGS/NEFT only

Second Installment(within 60 days after joining)

250 US $(For the teaching sessions)

250 US $

250 US $- By RTGS/NEFT only


1150 US $

Admission Fee-100 US$(Not refundable).

Cost of Study material-300 US $ (Not refundable).

All the components provided other than Course material issued at the time of admission and teaching sessions provided after 100 session are free of cost and is complimentary.

NB: If the student desires to drop from the Repeater batch regular live online classes, because of securing professional college admission or any other personal reason, within 100 sessions, can request for the eligible refund. Subject to the norms given below.


  • Admission fee-100 US$ paid will not be refunded.
  • The Cost of study books provided at the time of admission- 300 US $ paid will not be refunded or materials will not be returned back.
  • An amount 8 US $ for each teaching session of 4 hrs will be deducted from the balance amount, no refund after 100 sessions.
  • Eligible refund amount will be sent through RTGS (refund only in equivalent INR to your resident account) within 30 days.

*For detailed procedure for eligible refund claiming, parent/guardian should send an Email request.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRIStudents)

1.  Remit the Course Fee Online.

        A/C details:

        A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes

        A/C No: 0368073000001047

        IFSC/NEFTCODE: SIBL0000368


        South Indian Bank, East fort,Trichur-5,Kerala, INDIA.

*Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar).

2.  While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.  Please fill the online application form NRI Application Form after making the payment.

4.  Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.    There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of up loading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.

6.  Regular online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XIX Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH -NEET Entrance 2021-2022 for NRI Students (Those students who are studying in +2/12th).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.

          This batch is exclusively for students from Gulf Nations. There are 2 sessions of coaching

  • Session I: 40 Days class during July-august of 2021:
    Topics for teaching - all the +2 Physics, Chemistry, Biology both Theory and Entrance .This will help the students to perform better in their schools and they can score goods marks in the +2 Board Examination and in the Entrance examinations. 
  • From September 2021 unit wise +2 chapters revision,

    Live online interactive sessions with doubt clearing on every second Saturdays till session II

  • Session II: During the month of March, April & May-2022

    Topics for Teaching - all the +1 Physics, Chemistry, Biology Entrance chapters,+2 revision ,NEET model Examinations.

  • Package contain500+hrs, 96+ tests(30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET model  Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject *(once in every month),30 Final NEET Models, printed course material 
    (Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and
    Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).
  • Batch Details:2 Sessions Intensive batch


CRASH -NEET Entrance 2021-2022 for NRI Students

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1st session-15/7/21 to 30/8/21

40 Days class,6 hrs daily

Batch starting date:15/7/21

Time: F.N-9.30 AM to 12.30 PM (IST)

AN-(02:30PM to 05:30PM(IST)

See the day by day schedule from the website

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

100 US $

900 US $(On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

100 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

200 US $

September 2021

Tuition fee-2nd installment

200 US $

200 US $ (On September 2021)


1100 US $

*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

1.   Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:

       A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes

       A/C No:0368073000001047

       IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368


       South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.

*Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)

2.   While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.   Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment

4.   Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.    There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the   necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.

6.   Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

OLC.XX. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced Entrance 2021-2022 for NRI Students (Those students who are studying in +2/12th).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.
    This batch is exclusively for students from Gulf Nations. There are 2 sessions of coaching
  • Session I: 40 Days class during July-august of 2021:

    Topics for teaching - all the +2 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics both Theory and Entrance .This will help the students to perform better in their schools and they can score goods marks in the +2 Board Examination and in the Entrance examinations.

  • From September 2021 unit wise +2 chapters revision,

    Live online interactive sessions with doubt clearing on every second Saturdays till session II

  • Session II :During the month of March, April & May-2022

    Topics for Teaching - all the +1 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics Entrance chapters,+2 revision, and  JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced model Examinations.

  • Package contains

500+hrs, 88+ tests(30Q.each), chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject * (once in every month),10JEE MAIN/KEAM Final Model tests(before every JEE MAIN Exam),10 JEE Advanced final model Exams, printed course material (Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).

  • Batch Details:2 Sessions Intensive batch


CRASH -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced Entrance 2021-2022

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1st session-15/7/21 to 30/8/21

40 Days class,6 hrs daily

Batch starting date:15/7/21

Time: F.N-9.30 AM to 12.30 PM (IST)

AN-(02:30PM to 05:30PM(IST)

See the day by day schedule from the website

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(Separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 1 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

Once in every month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4=40(10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course



Board model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

100 US $

900 US $ (On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

100 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

200 US $

September 2021

Tuition fee-2nd installment

200 US $

1200 US $ (On September 2021)


1100 US $

*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

1.   Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:

        A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes

        A/C No:0368073000001047

        IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368


        South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.

        *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to US dollar)

2.   While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.   Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment

4.   Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.   There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.

6.   Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

OLC.XXI Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH-NEET Entrance 2021 -2023 for NRI Students (Students studying in +1).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.

    This batch is exclusively for students from Gulf Nations. There are 3 sessions of coaching.

  • Session I: 40 Days class during July-august of 2021:

    Topics for teaching - all the +1 Physics, Chemistry, Biology both Theory and Entrance .This will help the students to perform better in their schools and they can score goods marks in the +1 Board Examination and in the Entrance examinations.

  • From September 2021 unit wise +1 chapters revision,

    Live online interactive sessions with doubt clearing on every second Saturdays till session II

  • Session II :40 Days class during July-august of 2022

    all the +2 Physics, Chemistry, Biology both Theory and Entrance . This will help the students to perform better in their schools and they can score goods marks in the +2 Board Examination and in the Entrance examinations.

  • From September 2022 unit wise +2 chapters revision,

    Live online interactive sections with doubt clearing on every second Saturdays till session III

  • Session IIIDuring the month of March, April & May-2023

    Daily +1 &+2 topics revision , Final NEET model Examinations.

  • Package contains

725+hrs, 96+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative NEET Model Exam 180 Q; 45 Q. for each subject * (once in every month), 30 Final NEET Models, printed course material 
(Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and
Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).

  • Batch Details: 3 Sessions Intensive batch


CRASH-NEET Entrance 2021-2023

 Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1st session-15/7/21 to 30/8/21

2nd Session-15/7/22 to 30/8/22

40 Days class,6 hrs daily

Batch starting date:15/7/21

Time: F.N-9.30 AM to 12.30 PM (IST)

AN-(02:30PM to 05:30PM(IST)

See the day by day schedule from the website

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative NEET model Exams*

Once in every month



Final NEET model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative NEET model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

100 US $

900 US $ (On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

100 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

200 US $

January 2022

Tuition fee-2nd installment

600 US $

900 US $ (On January 2022)

January 2022

Exam fee-2nd installment

300 US $


1800 US $

*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $ per year.*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $ per year.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

1.   Remit the Course Fee Online.

         A/C details:

        A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes

        A/C No:0368073000001047

        IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368


        South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.

        *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)

2.   While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.   Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment

4.   Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.    There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the   necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and             Examination offered will not be changed.

6.   Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XXII.Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification CRASH-JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  Entrance-2021-2023 for NRI Students (Students studying in +1).

  • Live online interactive classes.
  • Instant Doubt Clarification during live classes.
  • Doubt clearance session after every class.
  • Frequent progress evaluation session with parents through online
  • Access recordings of all past classes.

    This batch is exclusively for students from Gulf Nations. There are 3 sessions of coaching.

  • Session I: 40 Days class during July-august of 2021:

    Topics for teaching - all the +1 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics both Theory and Entrance .This will help the students to perform better in their schools and they can score goods marks in the +1 Board Examination and in the Entrance examinations.

  • From September 2021 unit wise +1 chapters revision,

    Live online interactive sessions with doubt clearing on every second Saturdays till session II

  • Session II :40 Days class during July-august of 2022

    all the +2 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics both Theory and Entrance . This will help the students to perform better in their schools and they can score goods marks in the +2 Board Examination and in the Entrance examinations.

  • From September 2022 unit wise +2 chapters revision,

    Live online interactive sections with doubt clearing on every second Saturdays till session III

  • Session III :During the month of March, April & May-2023

    Daily +1 &+2 topics   revision, JEE MAIN/KEAM Model Exams & JEE Advanced Model Examinations.

  • Package contains

725+hrs, 88+ tests (30Q.each), chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam 75 Q; 25 Q. for each subject* (once in every month), 10 final JEE MAIN/KEAM   Model Exams (before every JEE MAIN Exam),10 JEE Advanced  Model Examinations, printed course material (Electronic copy of study material will be send through Chaithanya Classes APP for NRI students and Hard copy will be send through courier/speed post to their Native INDIAN address).

  • Batch Details: 3 Sessions Intensive batch


CRASH -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced  Entrance-2021-2023

Day Schedule

Weekday Batch

Teaching Language


Batch Timing

1st session-15/7/21 to 30/8/21

2nd Session-15/7/22 to 30/8/22

40 Days class,6 hrs daily

Batch starting date:15/7/21

Time: F.N-9.30 AM to 12.30 PM (IST)

AN-(02:30PM to 05:30PM(IST)

See the day by day schedule from the website

  • Detailed course programme will be issued on joining.
  • Test Packages(separate schedule will be issued)



Number of Questions per test

Total in 2 years

Short Exams

2 to 3 Exams/Week



Chapter cumulative JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams*

Once in every month



Final JEE MAIN/KEAM  Model Exams

at the end of the course


10*4=40(10 Exam before each attempt)

JEE Advanced  Model Exams

at the end of the course



Board Model Exams

*For the chapter cumulative JEE MAIN model Exam, portions will be tested cumulatively ie .There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests. This will ensure a constant revision of the already covered chapters. Detailed Exam schedule and chapter wise question distribution pattern will be issued on joining.

  • FEE structure: Refunds made easy. Fee Refund (Except Registration Fee& Admission Fee) if Refund is requested within 7 days of the commencement of the Batch. Balance Refund amount will be send through RTGS within 30 days.

Installment dates

Fee components



On admission

Registration fee

100 US $

900 US $ (On admission)

On admission

Admission fee

100 US $

On admission

Tuition fee-1st installment

500 US $

On admission

Exam fee-1st installment

200 US $

January  2022

Tuition fee-2nd installment

600 US $

900 US $ (January 2022)

January  2022

Exam fee-2nd installment

300 US $


1800 US $

*Those students who scored CBSE 10 CGPA/FULL A+ for 10 th board exam, can avail a fee concession of 100 US $ per year.

Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (NRI Students)

1.   Remit the Course Fee Online. A/C details:

        A/C Name:  Chaithanya Classes

        A/C No:0368073000001047

        IFSC/NEFT CODE: SIBL0000368


        South Indian Bank, East fort, Trichur-5, Kerala, INDIA.

        *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)

2.   While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student Name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFT application.

3.   Please fill the online application form  NRI Application Form after making the payment

4.   Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

5.  There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of uploading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of question discussion and Examination offered will not be changed.

6.   Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete.

OLC.XXIII Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH -NEET Entrance-2022(short term course) for NRI Students (for Repeaters & +2/12th students).

For Repeaters & +2 appearing students



The Crash NEET-2022 course will be conducting in two phases.


2. PHASE II-The Crash Course-Immediately after the board exam- Till the NEET-2022 Entrance Examination.

The course details are given below.

Phase I-Target NEET-2022 (Early Crash Course, Complimentary)


  1. Total 150+hrs of recorded video rapid revision classes covering the theoretical concepts linked with each chapter (+1&+2).
  2. 96+hrs of recorded video discussion of selected questions from the base material.
  3. 96 DPP’s (Daily Practice Papers) linked with each chapter, comprising 30 questions in each DPP’s with solutions.
  4. 96+hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of important previously asked questions (PYQ’s) with solutions.
  5. 3 hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of 2020 NEET Examination paper.
  6. 3 hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of 2021 NEET Examination paper.
  7. 30 well-structured NEET model cumulative Examination papers-180 Questions 180 minutes. Portions will be tested cumulatively. There will be some questions from the syllabus of previous tests in the upcoming tests.
  8. Discussion of the 30 Cumulative NEET Model Examination papers with important concepts linked with the chapters and its analysis.
  9. 30 full topics NEET Model Examinations with recorded video discussions & analysis of each chapter.
  10. 30 most probable questions discussion from each chapter.
  11. E-copy of the study materials will be available in the app.

Preparation Guidelines- First phase -Chapter by Chapter Preparation

  1. Thorough revisions of each chapter theory given in the NCERT text.
  2. Revisions of the abstracts of each chapter given in the base material.
  3. Attending the theoretical concept discussion videos linked with every chapter.
  4. Answering all the questions given in the each chapter of the base material.
  5. Attending the video discussions of the selected questions of the chapters.
  6. Answering all the questions linked with every chapter given in the 32 years previously asked questions and answer collection books.
  7. Attending the video discussion and analysis of the selected previously asked questions linked with each chapter.

PHASE II-The Crash Course-Immediately after the Board Exam- Till the NEET-2022 Entrance Examination


    1. Live online interactive streaming.
    2. Hybrid stream of attending classes through live online and then shifting in to Classroom coaching at the institution.
    3. Attending recorded videos of the live online interactive streaming.

    Student can opt any of the above mode for attending the course and on request, they will be allowed to change their mode of attending the course from one stream to another.


    1. Modules

      A set of 11 study books (8 base materials+3 books containing previous year questions (PYQs)) Physics-5 books,Chemistry-3 books,Biology-3 books which cover the theory abstract from each chapter, Questions of different levels with keys/Detailed hints and solutions;32 years chapter wise PYQs with solutions

      A total of 15640 questions with solutions/ keys in 11 books.

    2. 120+hours of theory discussion, 240+ hours of important question discussion.
    3. 30 cumulative NEET Model Examinations (3 hours) and 4 hours discussion of each paper.
    4. 30 full topic NEET Model Examinations (3 hours) and 4 hours discussion and analysis of each paper.

    The NEET model Examination and discussion will continue till 2 days before that of NEET Examination.

  3. OMR Examination

    Original OMR Examination for classroom stream attending students and OMR cum online Examination for live online stream opting students (The procedure for OMR cum online Examinations will be send via separate E-mail.)

  4. Doubt clearance

    The classroom coaching opting students can meet the faculties and can clear their doubts and all the students can use the chat box, or Q&A or E-mail or WhatsApp for clearing their doubts.

  5. Course commencement date

    The batches commence very next day after the respective board Examination. The detailed course programme for Crash course will be issued before the commencement of the Board Examination of different streams. There will be separate batches for Tamil Nadu state board, Kerala state board, & CBSE.

  6. FEE Details

    * Fee for the Crash Course phase II is 300 USD which is to be paid through Online.

    * The fee paid 300 USD is for the cost of 11 study books. The study books once issued will not be taken back or the cost will not be refunded. All the items except study materials, mentioned in the course content are free of cost and complementary. The 11 study books will be sent through registered parcel to Indian address only ie, to their Indian residential address only. Parents should make their own arrangement to get the 11 study books from their Indian residence to their NRI residence.

    * NB: Any doubt regarding the course and teaching sessions, OMR Examination or Online Examinations should be clarified before joining the course.

  7. Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (for NRI Students)

    1. Remit the course fee online
      A/C details:
                 A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
                 A/C No: 0368073000001047
                 IFSC/NEFTCODE: SIBL0000368
                 SWIFTCODE: SOININ55
                 South Indian Bank, Eastfort,Trichur-5,Kerala, INDIA.
          *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)
    2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFTapplication.
    3. Please fill the online application form NRI Application Form after making the payment.

    4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

    5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of up loading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of Question discussions and Examinations offered will not be changed.

    6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

OLC.XXIV. Live online interactive classes with instant doubt clarification for CRASH -JEE Main/KEAM & JEE Advanced Entrance 2022(short term course) for NRI Students (for Repeaters & +2/12th students).

For Repeaters & +2 appearing students



The Crash JEE MAIN/KEAM & CUSAT -2022 course will be conducted in two phases.


2. PHASE II-The Crash Course -Immediately after the KERALA STATE Board Exam till the KEAM &CUSAT -2022 Entrance Examination

The course details are given below.

Phase I Target JEE MAIN/KEAM & CUSAT -2022 (Early Crash Course, Complimentary)


  1. Total 125+ hrs of recorded video rapid revision classes covering the theoretical concepts linked to each chapter (+1 & +2).
  2. 100+ hrs of recorded video discussion of selected questions from the base material.
  3. 88 DPPs (Daily Practice Papers) linked with each chapter, comprising 30 questions in each DPP with solutions.
  4. 90+ hrs of recorded video discussion and analysis of important previously asked questions with solutions.
  5. 40 JEE MAIN model Examinations
  6. 10 Final KEAM model examinations.
  7. 30 most probable questions discussion from each chapter.
  8. E-copy of the study materials will be available in the app.

Preparation guidelines- First phase -Chapter by Chapter preparation

  1. Thorough revision of each chapter theory given in the NCERT text.
  2. Revisions of the abstracts of each chapter given in the base material.
  3. Attending the theoretical concept discussion videos linked with every chapter.
  4. Answering all the questions given in the each chapter of the base material.
  5. Attending the video discussions of the selected questions of the chapter.
  6. Attending the video discussion and analysis of the selected previously asked questions linked with each chapter.

PHASE II-The Crash Course-Immediately after the KERALA State Board Exam- Till the KEAM & CUSAT-2022 Entrance Examination


    1. Live online interactive streaming.
    2. Hybrid stream of attending classes through live online and then shifting in to Classroom coaching at the institution.
    3. Attending recorded videos of the live online interactive streaming.

    Student can opt any of the above mode for attending the course and on request, they will be allowed to change their mode of attending the course from one stream to another.


    1. Modules

      A set of 8 study books (8 base materials) Physics-4 books, Chemistry-2 books, Maths-2 books which cover the theory abstract from each chapter, Questions of different levels with keys/Detailed hints and solutions.

      A total of 9745 questions with solutions/key in 8 books.

    2. 100+hours of theory discussion & 200+ hours of important question discussion.
    3. 30cumulative KEAM/CUSAT LEVEL Examinations (3 hours) and 3 hours discussion of each paper.
    4. 10 KEAM Model Examinations, each of 2 papers (each paper of 2 1/2 hours) and 2 hours discussion and analysis of each paper.
  3. OMR Examination

    Original OMR Examination for classroom stream attending students and OMR cum online Examination for live online stream opting students (The procedure for OMR cum online Examinations will be send via separate E-mail.)

  4. Doubt clearance

    The classroom coaching opting students can meet the faculties and can clear their doubts and all the students can use the chat box, or Q&A or E-mail or WhatsApp for clearing their doubts.

  5. Course commencement date

    The batches commence very next day after the KERALA State board Examination. The detailed course programme for Crash course will be issued before the commencement of the KERALA State Board Examination.

  6. FEE Details

    * Fee for the Crash Course phase II is 300 USD which is to be paid through Online.

    * The fee paid 300 USD is for the cost of 8 study books. The study books once issued will not be taken back or the cost will not be refunded. All the items except study materials, mentioned in the course content are free of cost and complementary. The 8 study books will be sent through registered parcel to Indian address only ie, to their Indian residential address only. Parents should make their own arrangement to get the 8 study books from their Indian residence to their NRI residence.

    NB: Any doubt regarding the course and teaching sessions, OMR Examination or Online Examinations should be clarified before joining the course.

  7. Online Admission Procedure for Students staying outside India (for NRI Students)

    1. Remit the course fee online.
      A/C details:
                 A/C Name: Chaithanya Classes
                 A/C No: 0368073000001047
                 IFSC/NEFTCODE: SIBL0000368
                 SWIFTCODE: SOININ55
                 South Indian Bank, Eastfort,Trichur-5,Kerala, INDIA
          *Payments in US Dollars only. (NRI students should pay the fees in any approved foreign Currency equivalent to.US dollar)
    2. While making the remittance, parent/Guardian should mention the student name in the Sender to receiver information of the IFSC/NEFT/SWIFTapplication
    3. Please fill the online application form NRI Application Form after making the payment.

    4. Any doubt regarding the course should be clarified through phone or email before joining.

    5. There will be slight changes in the time schedule and in the mode of up loading according to the necessity, but the total teaching hours and of Question discussions and Examinations offered will not be changed.

    6. Online Class Login details will be mailed to you once the admission procedure is complete

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